



ShareCRM Sales Management System

Customer-centric and lead-to-cash (L2C) refined management of the whole sales process facilitates sales growth and efficiency improvement.
iconL2C: Refined Management of Whole Sales Processicon

Customer-centric and lead-to-cash (L2C) refined management of the whole sales process facilitates sales growth and efficiency improvement.




iconL2C: Lead Identification and Assessment, Prioritize High Intent Leads, Improve Lead Conversion Rate icon

Rawleads to MQL stage: Assists marketing staff in intelligently screening invalid leads in massive data with automatic identification tools. This helps with determining the priority for following up on high-quality and high-intent leads, matching and assigning the lead to suitable sales staff, and improving circulation efficiency. 



iconL2C: Lead Conversion and ROI Statistical Analysis icon




iconL2C: Customer Management, Building 360° Customer Profileicon

360° customer profile: Precipitate the fragmented customer information into insightful enterprise customer data assets to understand customer information in all aspects. 

Customer hierarchy management: Identify customer value hierarchy and develop corresponding marketing strategies 





iconL2C: Customer Management Product Examples icon

360° customer view: Customer-centric full-business management 

Powerful mobile capabilities: Enabling efficient customer follow-up 。



iconL2C: Business Opportunity Management, Process Management Based on Multi-tasking Engine, Implementation of Best Practices for Order Tracking icon

Multi-stage sales process: Control project advancement nodes and business collaboration; identify business opportunity stage and win rate 

Multi-task implementation of order control strategy: Standardized stage tasks to improve the efficiency of the stage-based order control; empowering sales and standardized printing orders 。



iconL2C: Business Opportunity Dashboard Management - to Effectively Complete Daily Work Reviews of Business Opportunitiesicon




iconL2C: Business Opportunity Data Insight icon




iconCPQ Product Management - Supports Diverse Product Definitions and Is Applicable to a Variety of Industries icon

Flexible product definition to provide solutions for different industries: 

· General product capability: Product classification, product specification and unit 

· For the consumer goods industry: Provides multi-specification capability and multi-unit capability for commodities or products 

·  For manufacturing high tech and other solution-based or combination sales industries: Provides product sales BOM (multi-level product combination capability) 



iconCPQ: Price and Sales Permission Managementicon

Flexible and diversified sales permission and price management meet the implementation of the enterprise's flexible price system. 

· Multi-dimensional price definition: Offers settings for prices for different customers, partners, cycles, and organizations 

· Flexible pricing logic: Flexible pricing based on different priorities of the available range for sale; 

· Unique sales permission management: Allows development of different product ranges for different customers and partners 

· Provides innovative price checking tools to improve inquiry efficiency: Supports flexible price checking tools to inquiry the real-time prices of specified customers and products with a single click 。


iconL2C - Quotation/Order Management: Multi-Terminal All-channel Quote/Ordericon

Diversified ordering scenarios for customers in different industries and roles. Provides a characteristic experience that best meets the order efficiency requirements for a given scenario. 

Support multi-terminal quotation/order, including from WeChat, APP, WEB, WeCom, and DingTalk. 。



iconL2C: Sales Contract, Agreed Framework Agreement, Binding Order Execution Products and Prices icon

· The sales contract module links the upstream quotation and the downstream order to form an L2C closed loop. 

· Offers control of the order product and price. Also covers order business constrained by a sales contract. 

· Supports e-contract integration. 。



iconL2C - Transaction Management Business Insight icon





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